Thursday, August 29, 2024

Simple Diet Advice For Everyone

Here's the crazy secret: every diet works for nearly everyone, always

Why? Why does everyone seem to have the magical secret, or "super food" that, not only allows them to easily burn through fat, but that diet also cures all their ailments? Also, there seems to be extreme polarization between dieters: Keto, Carnivore, Vegan, High-Carb, Low-Carb, Intermittent Fasting, Raw....If you look closely, all groups have multiple "science-based" claims and personal stories proving that they hold the secret to fat loss and godliness. The answer actually simple:

All these people, for the first time in their lives, have finally started to train or exercise, and are also paying attention to what goes into their mouths. That's all it is. These people went from being extremely inactive and eating everything, to moving around like a human, and simply trying to eat less. They don't understand that because of this, literally anything and everything they do will work....for a while.

NEWBIE GAINS: If you are a beginner, you can do literally any exercise program, and follow literally any diet, and it will 100% work.......for about 4-6 months.

That's the kicker: the great majority of these people never make it past the 6 month mark. We all know that one person in our circle who has been large for a long time yet, every few months they are yelling at everyone at the BBQ about the newest magical diet, and how everything everyone else is eating will make them obese and kill them. Meanwhile, the average-sized, semi-fit people at the party are all thinking the same thing: "dude, you're fat; you've always been fat: and every year you're on a different diet and seem to know the secret, but you never actually get fit or lean."

Even worse, the average large person seems to embrace conspiracies surrounding our food and lifestyles: plant seeds, chemicals in the water, carbs/sugar, fats, this fat, that fat, meat, beans....In the 90s, you could be shot for putting pure butter on someone's toast. Today, you would get the same treatment for giving someone toast bread. Why are people so easily convinced that everything else is the problem, except for themselves? That's the key. By over-complicating everything, and finding an enemy to blame, these people can easily remove the onus from themselves and their own choices. The classic victim mentality. They can eat and live however they want, because they will always be the victim of a major conspiracy that keeps them fat and weak. The most interesting aspect of this behavior, however, is that they never look around to see the millions of other people who somehow have been able to avoid the obesity-inducing demons. And if you were to point that out, they would have a preloaded argument: "well they have good genetics," or "they just train a lot more than usual." You can basically insert your own excuse here, because we've heard them all.

So, how does one rule out all the misinformation and straight up lies, keep things simple, and just get in shape and lose their fat? That's the point: keep it simple. The calories in, calories out formula is hated because it is deemed as "too simple." Many women prefer to reverse the formula, and simply starve themselves. All the while, they are all spending more time "researching" and being neurotic about things that don't actually matter, instead of just putting in the basic work. As Mark Rippetoe (Starting Strength) has stated numerous times, "stupid people love complexity." Instead of admitting that they actually don't follow the basics, people always revert back to their victimhood. What if we just expended more calories than we consumed? What if we focused on protein and, for the rest of our macros, we just ensured that they come from actual FOOD? What if we stayed active and trained properly? Sounds too easy, and it is. And, as far as training goes, people disagree on the forms as well. Of course, there has to be a hidden boogeyman involved there as well. 

The most barebones, simplified method for getting fit is below. Caution: this advice is not complicated; there is no hidden bad guy; it works for 99% of humans; it is agreed upon by all actual experts: Physiologists, Nutritionists, and coaches and trainers.

1. Expend more calories - not starve yourself because you never move

2. Strength Train (lower reps, heavier weights), minimum 2x per muscle group, per week. Everyone, at all ages, and both sexes should being trying to get strong

3. Get in your daily activity: anywhere from 8-12k steps per day. That is much easier and more efficient than sitting all day and then running a marathon once per week, or conducting brutal HIIT workouts to compensate. Act like a human: MOVE!

4. Emphasize protein:

Strength training and athletes = 1g per pound of bodyweight

Most people = minimum .5g per pound of bodyweight

5. For carbs and fats, just make sure they come from actual food (you know what "food" is, and you know it is not Taco Bell). Do any ratio you like and what feels better for you: low fat, low carbs, who cares? Just don't demonize any specific macro or source. 

*note: if you are strength training or are a serious athlete, a higher carb diet has been proven to be best for performance

6. BE CONSISTENT. Consistency has been proven time and time and again to be the most critical factor in driving long-term results. Remember the "newbie gains" fact? The great majority usually fall off the wagon within that 4-6 month window. Do your best to NOT be that guy

7. Don't have an "all or nothing attitude." Just because you miss a few workouts, that doesn't kill your entire plan. Remember that you're human, and things happen. If you usually train 3x per week but can only make one, that's fine. Get back to it as soon as possible

That's all there is to it. KISS = Keep It Simple, Stupid. If you'd like to read more behind the nutrition and training, you can read that article HERE.

Get out there and make things happen!

Randall, Grunt Proof


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